Heart-Crisis & Emergency Surgery Led To A Life Of Significance

Alumni Stories | Peter Wakelam

“Anyone that is facing the need to explore the second half of their life in a positive way – Halftime is the greatest vehicle.”

In this episode of Halftime Australia’s “ALUMNI STORIES,” Peter Wakelam shares with us how the 12-Month Halftime Executive Roundtable was the perfect solution for him. Through this program he was able to move on after the trauma of major surgery and the sale of his business, to successfully plotting the course for the next chapter of his life.

Peter’s Story:

“It started at Ayers Rock, I had chest pain which I discovered was a serious angina attack. Upon returning to Melbourne, the doctors had to operate immediately to save my life.”
“I had to slow down, sell my business which led to me feeling extremely lost asking ‘where do I go from here?’. This led me to the Halftime Program.”
“I was a bit overwhelmed initially, I was dealing with some incredibly influential people, so for me, Halftime was a bit of a crisis. When asked confronting questions like, ‘What is your mission statement?’ I thought, ‘I cannot answer these questions’.”
“After taking a brave step, I was able to move on and start plotting the course of the next chapter of my life.”
“Halftime is a brilliant opportunity for you to open yourself up to your crisis. Then you have this marvellous network of the group to build confidence in you.”