We respect your rights to privacy and we aim to always comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as contained in the Privacy Act1988 (the Act). Throughout this document, we are referred to as Half Time Australia, we or us. This document explains how we comply with the APPs when collecting, using, disclosing, and managing your personal information.

Your privacy is important

This statement outlines Halftime Australia’s policy on how it uses and manages personal information provided to or collected by it. Halftime Australia is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information.

Halftime Australia is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act and is compliant with the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

Halftime Australia may, from time to time, review and update this Privacy Policy to take account of new laws and technology, changes to its operations and practices and to make sure it remains appropriate to the changing environment.

What personal information do we collect?

The term personal information is defined in the Act.

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. This generally includes information used to identify you such as your full name, address, date of birth, current employer, or contact details.

Personal information may also include sensitive information about you such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, health, genetic or biometric information. In the case of the provision of our services, this can include statements about your personal life challenges and areas of interests.

How do we collect personal information?

We may collect personal information when you have contact with us. This includes:

your access to and use of our website;
when you complete any forms or documents provided by us when we request your personal information;
your communications with us via email, post, fax or telephone;
any conversations with us and/or our representatives.
We may collect personal information from others about you in these circumstances:

when the information is available from publicly available courses;
any other authorised parties (with your consent);
where it is impractical or unreasonable to collect the information from you directly.
Why we collect your personal information?

We will use personal information we collect from you for the primary purpose of collection, which is to administer our relationship with you. This relationship includes your engagement of our services or to respond to any enquiries you have.

In addition to that, we may also use your personal information for other related purposes, which you would reasonably expect and this includes:

sending you information relating to changes in the law to satisfy our legal obligations;
updating our records and keeping your contact details up to date;
keeping you up to date with our marketing and promotional material (See below for further information of marketing).
How do we use your personal information in relation to marketing?

We may use your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing to you. We may provide you with information about relevant products and services offered by us from time to time. If you do not wish to receive these materials from us, you can opt out by contacting us.

Who do we disclose your personal information to?

Your personal information will be provided to our service providers (for example, our coaches) where necessary to administer our services.

We will not disclose your personal information to anyone overseas unless:

you have provided consent;
we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the APPs; or
the disclosure is otherwise authorised by the Act.
How do we manage your personal information?

Personal information is stored electronically, on paper or both. We take reasonable steps to protect the security of personal information including the physical security of our premises and use of passwords to restrict access to electronic records.

Personal Information provided by other people

In some circumstances Halftime Australia may be provided with personal information about an individual from a third party, for example, a report provided by a medical professional or a reference from another organisation.

In relation to employee records

Under the Privacy Act, the Australian Privacy Principles do not apply to an employee record. As a result, this Privacy Policy does not apply to Halftime Australia’s treatment of an employee record, where the treatment is directly related to a current or former employment relationship between Halftime Australia and employee.

Sending information overseas

Halftime Australia will not send personal information about an individual outside Australia without:

obtaining the consent of the individual (in some cases this consent will be implied); or
otherwise complying with the Australian Privacy Principles or other applicable privacy legislation.
How does Halftime Australia treat sensitive information?

In referring to ‘sensitive information’, Halftime Australia means:

“information relating to a person’s racial ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, sexual preferences or criminal record, that is also personal information; and health information about an individual”.

Sensitive information will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related secondary purpose, unless you agree otherwise, or the use or disclosure of the sensitive information is allowed by law.

Management and security of personal information

Halftime Australia has in place steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, interference or disclosure by use of various methods including locked storage of paper records and passworded access rights to computerised records.

Halftime Australia will take place reasonable steps to ensure the information it collects is accurate, complete, up-to-date, and relevant to the functions we perform.

When you use our website, having your cookies enabled will allow us to maintain the continuity of your browsing session and remember your details when you return.

Updating personal information

Halftime Australia endeavours to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date. A person may seek to update their personal information held by Halftime Australia by contacting the Privacy Officer of Halftime Australia at any time (see below).

The Australian Privacy Principles and the Health Privacy Principles require Halftime Australia not to store personal information longer than necessary. In particular, the Health Privacy Principles impose certain obligations about the length of time health records must be stored.

Under the Commonwealth Privacy Act and the Health Records Act, an individual has the right to obtain access to any personal information which Halftime Australia holds about them and to advise Halftime Australia of any perceived inaccuracy. There are some exceptions to this right set out in the applicable legislation.

To make a request to access any information Halftime Australia holds about you, please contact the Privacy Officer in writing.

Halftime Australia may require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require. Although no fee will be charged for accessing your personal information or making a correction, Halftime Australia may charge a fee to retrieve and copy any material. If the information sought is extensive, Halftime Australia will advise the likely cost in advance.

How long will Halftime Australia keep my information?

Under our destruction and de-identification policies, your personal information, that is no longer required, will be de-identified or destroyed. In many circumstances, however it will be kept for statistical, research and marketing purposes.

Who do you contact if you have an issue with your privacy rights?

The person responsible for privacy at Halftime Australia is our Privacy Officer. You can contact them in the following ways:

Melissa Russell
Email :
By Mail : PO Box 453, Brighton VIC 3186
Phone : 1800 256 545

Is there anyone else you can complain to?

You can make a complaint about interferences with your privacy to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Their contact details are:
Post: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 363 992
Fax: 02 9284 9666